


Legal notice and privacy policy

The www.karma1.com domain is owned by José Bernardo Jiménez Benito

Karma1 informs its privacy, electronic communications and personal information protection policy so that you may, of your own free will, furnish Karma1, if you judge this pertinent, with the personal data that may be requested from you for access to the different contents and services offered in its website.

You are requested, for this purpose, to give your consent to this privacy policy and accept these General Conditions.

Failure to accept this privacy policy will imply that the services rendered and website contents offered by Karma1 shall not be made available and that the system subscription process shall be interrupted.

Customers shall in all cases be liable for the truthfulness and/or ownership of the data furnished. Express instructions shall be given as to the necessary or optional nature of such data for system subscription and the rendering of services which you seek.

Karma1 shall presume that the data furnished is true and belongs to the interested party, and reserves the right to prevent any user who has submitted false data or data belonging to third parties without their consent from accessing the contents and/or services which require personal data.

Any information furnished, deposited or transmitted by you in the website may be examined by Karma1, including the contents of your messages, even if designated as “private” by the user, for the purpose of safeguarding the security and adequate use of the website, as well as avoiding fraud, if any, when there are signs that this could be happening.

According to the rules and regulations currently governing the Protection of Personal Data and Information Society Services, Karma1 informs that the data furnished by you will be included in a file under Karma1’s responsibility, for the purpose of:

a) Providing you with good website access and browsing service.

b) Giving and offering you Karma1 services.

c) Putting you in contact with Karma1 service and contents participants (Tech Seekers and Tech Sellers).

d) Also furnishing you with commercial and promotional information directly and/or indirectly related to innovation sector and I+D+i products and/or services, mainly by electronic means (telephone, e-mail and internet), but also by any other means.

You may at any time exercise your rights to access, cancel, rectify or object by writing to Karma1’s Legal Department located at:

Calle de la Venta n.º 18, 1º-B
28400 Collado Villalba (Madrid). Spain.

The user, having been informed for the purposes of Articles 11 and 27 of Organic Law No. 15/1999 dated December 13, 1999 (LOPD), expressly accepts that all data furnished may be assigned to other website participants (mainly, but not limited to, Tech Seekers and Tech Sellers), for the rendering of Karma1 services and for the purpose of developing the business model for exchanging ideas that Karma1 proposes, in which you would like to participate and from which you would like to benefit.

Furthermore, the user, for the purposes of Articles 33 and 34 of the LOPD, expressly allows its data to be transferred to third party countries, even when such countries fail to provide a degree of protection as good as that provided by the above-mentioned Law.

If in doubt about this Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact Karma1 through its http://www.karma1.com website or by e-mail to info@karma1.com